Thursday, 12 December 2013

Vector image experiments..

Vector art is much different than pixel art in that vector images use mostly simple shapes that have been gradient filled. This gives them a much clearer look and they can be dramatically zoomed without loosing quality. 

No prizes for guessing which ones are the pixel art and which are the vector.
With the pixel art on the left you can actually see the individual pixels that are drawn to create the picture. With the vector images on the right the colors are all smoothed out into different shapes to create the image. 

I have discovered a great software that's really good for creating vector images with. The program is called Inkscape and its really easy to install. 

Best part is the inkscape website has a whole bunch of great tutorials, that even I can follow! Here are links to some of my favorites: 

I've given a number of the tutorials a go and here is what I've made so far:

A fabulous rocket ship
A delicious coffee 
Some sort of mutant alien..
Ok, fine you're not going to go from a artistic disgrace to a Picasso in one day, but its a good skill to have and I've found it's actually an incredibly fun thing to do :) 

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